Welcome to Your Unstoppable Book Publishing Plan Mini-Course

Get ready to embark on a transformative journey towards finishing and publishing your book by—go figure—creating a plan! In this course, you will learn what it takes to finish and publish your book and how long it actually takes. Whether you're a first-time author or a seasoned writer, this course will provide you with the guidance and support you need to create an actionable book publishing plan.

You'll get clear on the necessary timeline so you can revise or refine your publishing goals, creating a structured writing plan, editing and revising your manuscript, designing a captivating book cover, and navigating the book production process.

This helps you gain the confidence and clarity to move forward with your book project and unleash your creative potential while doing business as an author-publisher. Join me on this exciting journey and unlock the secrets to becoming a published author!

This one-hour intensive masterclass contains an overview of each of the six steps you move through to create a realistic and successful book publishing plan. These steps are foundational, building one upon the other, so it is important that you start with step number one.

This formula is the result of my two-decades of publishing my own books and working with other authors to create a dynamic, momentum-building publishing plan. This is a great starting point for all author-publishers and those who seek to become book publishing professionals.

This one-hour masterclass also introduces my six-module publishing master class and community, where you will learn how to:

  • Craft a strategic timeline that propels your project forward week-by-week, month by month, turning your aspirations into tangible progress.
  • Set achievable milestones, ensuring that each step you take builds momentum towards your book launch date.
  • Stay on track with publishing tasks, many of which overlap with marketing and publicity efforts.
  • Gain the confidence and clarity needed to see your book on shelves this summer or in time for the holiday market, the most crucial sales season of the year.

I want you to avoid the mistakes most self-publishers make. You'll get the mental clarity you need to confidently move forward on your book publishing plan, while saving time and money in the process by creating a realistic timeline with actionable steps.

I look forward to meeting you via this introduction to publishing, and I hope you'll connect with me in my Facebook group and communities. Okay, let's move along!

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